Purchasing Landed Property In Singapore: 6 Important Things To Look Out

Purchase landed property

You must be excited when it comes to purchasing landed property in Singapore. It is definitely exciting to have your own landed property but do you know what to look for.

Whether you are purchasing landed property for your own or investment, you will need to do some research. It is different from purchasing other sorts of property in Singapore when purchasing landed property.

So what exactly do you need to look out for when you want to purchase landed property in Singapore? Read on and understand the important things to look out for before purchasing landed property.

Types Of Landed Property

purchasing landed property

Before we touch on the main point of things to take note of purchasing landed property, you need to understand the types of landed property in Singapore. 

There are three main types of landed property in Singapore: detached houses, semi-detached houses, and terrace houses. 

Detached Houses

It is commonly known as Bungalows. It is a free-standing dwelling unit within a plot of land. The size is at least 1400sqm or 15070 sqft, is known as Good Class Bungalow. A detached house with a land size of 400 sqm or 4306 sqft will not be classified as Good Class Bungalow. 

Semi-Detached Houses

Semi-Detached houses or Semi-D for short, are properties that are attached to another landed property. They are usually attached by the sides, but sometimes there will be another situation attached back to back. The size of the Semi-detached houses is at least 200 sqm or 2153 sqft. It is about half the minimum size of a bungalow. 

Terrace House

The last type will be terrace houses. There will be at least 3 houses sharing a common boundary with common walls in a row. The land size of a terrace house is approximately 150 sqm or 1615 sqft. 

Things To Look Out For Before Purchasing Landed Property

1. Reserved for Singaporeans

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

Due to the limited land in Singapore, landed property in Singapore is limited. One thing you need to take note if you are a foreigner is that the landed property is reserved for Singaporeans when purchasing landed property in Singapore.

There are specific regulations for Permanent Residents or foreigners if they want to purchase landed property. It will not be a straightforward process, and it will be a case-by-case basis. The main factor they will base on is whether you have contributed to the Singapore economy.

2. Building Level Is Limited

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

If you get a property at a very low price and intend to tear down the whole property and rebuild it into a multi-storey building, or you plan to add another floor to the current property, it isn’t that easy. 

URA has a guideline on the maximum floor that you can build. Under the Landed Area Housings Plan, different zones have different limits on the story you can build. For example, land zoned for 3 floors allows you to build up to 3 floors plus an attic. 

There is a revised Envelop Control guideline released in 2015. It has simple controls over building massing to encourage a more flexible design for your home. Limiting the height of the building maintains the property’s character. So take note of this when you are purchasing landed property in Singapore. 

3. Natural Day-lighting

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

Another thing to consider when purchasing landed property is the environment. Environmental variables play an important role when it comes to purchasing landed property.

You can determine the comfort level of your house with the environment in the area and the property value of your home. Natural daylight surrounding your property helps to save on energy consumption.

You can also schedule viewings at different times of the day to check on the prevailing wind conditions. You will have a better understanding of the landed property that you selected.

4. Foundations

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

Foundation is very important for the property. So when you are purchasing landed property, you have to look out very carefully. Solving a foundation issue will cost you your time and money.

Signs of a bad foundation include cracks, unaligned walls, doors, and window frames. If you see cracks, it is best to find a professional to assess them. Even hairline cracks can cause large issues than you expect.

5. Roofing

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

Another thing that you want to look out for is the roof. You wouldn’t want to live in a house with a leaking roof. A leaky roof can cause all kinds of watery damage to your property.

Solving a leaking roof can be costly. Ensure that the previous owner fixes it as you don’t want to be burdened by the cost. If it is just slightly discolored, you can paint it with a new color or clean it with bleach.

6. Soil

purchasing landed property
Image Credit: Canva

The last point to note when purchasing landed property is the soil. If your home is sitting in an area that contains compact soil, it would be more ideal than loose and overly soft soil.

Loose soil may need extra support and may require to install sheet piling to provide earth retention and excavation support. Cost may differ for each case, and it will be costly.

It is an important event for purchasing landed property in Singapore. It is good to know what you will face after purchasing the landed property. So take note of the above matters to ensure you have a great place to stay in the next few years.

Seeking Landed Property Builders in Singapore?

Purchasing Landed Property In Singapore: 6 Important Things To Look Out

Builders.sg is a platform that connects property owners to trusted architects and builders across Singapore. If you live in Singapore and are looking for local landed property builders or architectswelcome to Builders.sg! 

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