Avoid Washing Carpets With 6 Terrible Mistakes

washing carpets

Many homeowners believe they can save a lot of money by washing carpets by themselves. However, even with a lot of time and effort spent keeping their carpets clean, they are still likely to make several, if not all, of the following washing carpets mistakes. Therefore, we have rounded up a list of common washing carpets mistakes easily made yet just as easily avoidable.

Mistakes To Avoid When Washing Carpets

Washing Carpets Tips 1: Do not use every DIY method you find

washing carpets
Image credit: Freepik

Some homeowners may prefer using DIY techniques retrieved from online to clean their carpet over hiring a professional carpet cleaner. The sources of these DIY techniques are usually the internet or magazines. However, these DIY techniques may not suitable for your carpet and it will also damage your carpet. To better assess the best cleaning techniques for your carpet, look at its labels and the material it is made from. Once you know the material of the carpet, it’s easier to find a way to wash it correctly.

Washing Carpets Tips 2: Overscrubbing the carpet when it’s dry

washing carpets
Image Credit: Real Simple 

Some people think that if they scrub the carpet hard enough, they can remove any stain on the carpet. However, it is one of the most common mistakes in washing carpets – if the carpet stain is scrubbed too hard, especially with a rag – or worse, with a stiff or wire brush – it may result in severe wear-and-tear in the carpet.

When homeowners scrub the carpet vigorously, it will damage the carpet fibres while pushing the stain deeper into the carpet. Instead, the best way to remove the stains in the carpet is using a white towel soaked in a cleaning solution and blotting on the stain. This patting motion is a safer and more effective technique.

Mixing water and vinegar in a 1:1 ration will work on some types of carpets. Other store-bought solutions may work, but sometimes certain solutions used may not be the right match for some carpet materials, which may damage the carpet even more.  

Washing Carpets Tips 3: Excessive washing and water usage

washing carpets
Image Credit: Hgtv

The ‘less is more’ rule can be used in washing carpets. Try not to wash the carpets too frequently and refrain from using too much water when cleaning carpets. This is because when your carpets absorb too much water, they might not able to dry completely, which will cause the growth of mold and germs.

If your carpet is placed in a high-traffic area, like the living room or foyer, you can just wash it one or twice every month. If your carpet is placed in a low-traffic area, washing carpets every three months is sufficient.

Washing the carpet too frequently and using too much water will not only reduce the life of the carpet but also worsen the carpet’s looks.

Washing Carpets Tips 4: Not sending your carpet for deep cleaning twice annually

washing carpets
Image Credit: First for Women

When you wash the carpet quarterly, it may look clean at first sight. However, this does not mean that there is no need for carpet deep-cleaning. While some people may see deep-cleaning services as unnecessary expenses, deep-washing your carpets twice a year is actually a necessity. 

Regardless of the cost of washing carpets, it is necessary to deep-clean the carpet twice a year. A professional carpet cleaning service is able to remove deeply embedded dirt, bacteria, and germs that normal vacuums can’t reach.

Regular professional cleaning will make your carpet look new and more durable for years to come.

Washing Carpets Tips 5: Using excessive carpet shampoo

washing carpets
Image Credit: Clean Care

It is a popular belief that the more shampoo used on carpets, the more clean the carpets after washing. However, some shampoos contain irritating chemicals. If you use too much shampoo on a carpet, the fabric of the carpet can be affected, leading colour fading and material fraying.

To avoid this, read the labels on the carpets and shampoo so that you can gage the amount of shampoo that you can use.

Also, when purchasing shampoo, it is recommended to choose carpet shampoo with natural or mild ingredients. That way, there is no need to worry about the carpet being damaged.

Washing Carpets Tips 6: Choosing cheap carpet deodorants

washing carpets
Image Credit: Homenish

Using carpet deodorants may reduce the need for washing carpets services. However, while carpet deodorants may mask the smell, they may contain pungent ingredients, especially inexpensive ones, which can damage your expensive carpets.

When choosing carpet deodorants, check their ingredients. You may also have to limit the use of carpet deodorants if they damage your carpets and opt for professional washing carpets services instead. 

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Avoid Washing Carpets With 6 Terrible Mistakes

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